Mirna Khanafer, NP
Nurse Practitioner
Get to Know Mirna Khanafer
Hi, I’m Mirna Khanafer the nurse practitioner at Michigan women’s care. For those of you who don’t know me, here is a little bit of my story and how I ended up where I am today.
Before I even began nursing school, I always had an interest for obstetrics and gynecology. About 6 years ago at Beaumont Wayne, I met the doctors while on my OB nursing rotation. I fell in love with the specialty even more and really admired the way the doctors practiced. It is now my greatest pleasure to have the chance to work beside them. I look forward to meeting and caring for all of our wonderful patients.
What is a Nurse Practitioner?
A nurse practitioner is an advanced practice registered nurse and a type of mid-level practitioner. NPs are trained to assess patient needs, order and interpret diagnostic and laboratory tests, diagnose disease, formulate and prescribe treatment plans.